What to do when you make a mistake

The thing that your brain loves to worry about all day has happened: you made a mistake in medicine! What does your brain have to say to you now?

We spend so much of our time and energy worrying about making a mistake, which ironically leaves our brains more vulnerable to errors.

And when a mistake actually happens, it’s nothing but MORE worry and shame spirals galore.

The fascinating thing is that our brains actually LOVE to learn - that’s why it feels so terrible to block yourself from learning and spend time worrying and shame-spiralling instead.

There is a better way, my friends.

In this episode of The Other Human in the Room, I describe the process I used to stop worrying and start learning when a mistake inevitably happens.

It’s not complicated, but it is a rare thing to see modelled in our current medical culture.

The secret antidote to processing mistakes without worry or shame is self compassion.

What would it take for you to give it a try then next time your humanity shows up at work in the form of a mistake?

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P.S. Have you signed up for my free email course on How to Stop Worrying About Your Patient? Sign up HERE


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