I have a passion for restorative, transformational medical education

I truly believe the only way we can continue to learn and grow as clinicians is by reconnecting with what we need as human beings.

Medicine is constantly changing and growing. There’s an ever-growing body of knowledge, and we’re all so stretched and burned out as clinicians. I create spaces where clinicians can learn in a supportive manner that incorporates your humanity as well as what value you bring to your patients.

My methods are rooted in

  • Science-based understanding of how our bodies and brains work

  • Knowledge of how our societies and systems exploit our innate desires for safety and belonging and condition us to think, feel and act in ways that don’t serve us

  • Unwavering belief in every human’s inherent goodness and resourcefulness

I offer keynote presentations and custom workshops on burnout - including time management, boundary setting, and models of transformative change in healthcare.
I would love to work with your team
Contact me here with inquiries

My Values

I strive to hold space for the complexity of real humans working together to serve one another.  I honour my own capacity for growth simultaneously with my need for rest and nourishment - and work to create spaces that allow others to similarly encounter their own capacity and needs.  My work liberates others by honouring their current state with curiosity and, with their consent, facilitating their journey to discover their power and selfhood. 

  • My best work flows from knowledge that I am always home in and with myself in my human form

    My work reflects this intention to make a real impact on real lives in real ways - by calling people home to themselves

    It contains the values of rest, pleasure and nourishment

  • Curiosity cannot coexist with judgement, and cultivating curiosity is practising non judgement - of myself and others

    My work reflects my thirst to connect and understand myself and those around me and constantly learn in the process

    It contains the values of non judgement, co-creation and truth-seeking

  • Integrity is derivative of integration - it tells me that all parts must be integrated, even the painful and shameful ones, in order to act from a sense of wholeness and authenticity

    My work reflects my desire to hold space and practice accountability for all of the messy pieces in order to achieve the most healing and least harmful impact on those around me

    It contains the values of accountability, complexity and nuance.

  • Collectivity honours each individual as distinct and capable of self-determination, while celebrating what we can achieve as parts of a greater whole

    My work reflects my respect for each individual’s journey simultaneous with my belief in each person’s capacity for transformation - and that these journeys of transformation collectively bring healing to our world.

    It contains the values of power-with, self-determination and growth mindset

  • Generosity reflects my appetite to share everything that has saved me in order to save others, while honouring my own body’s need to practice rest and nourishment.

    My work reflects this abundant mindset to give what I have and nothing more

    It contains the values of sustainability, abundance and liberation.