How Are You Spending Your Attention Budget?

In this solo episode, Joan explores the concept of attention budget and how we spend our attention. She discusses the impact of multitasking and task switching on our mental energy and highlights the importance of focusing on one thing at a time. Joan also examines the role of social media and the internet in consuming our attention and offers strategies for intentional and mindful attention. She applies the concept of attention budget to both leisure activities and patient interactions, emphasizing the need to prioritize what truly brings us joy and connection. Joan encourages listeners to conduct an attention audit and consider what they are paying attention to and the returns on their investment.

We have a great growing group of healthcare humans that are joining Creating Space, my new coaching program and retreat starting this October! Book a call with me to explore if this program is a good fit for you:

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How Do You Feel? with Dr Jessi Gold


Changing Your Mind in Family Medicine with Dr Caitlin Christie